GVRA Website Homepage Redesign

Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency (GVRA) homepage redesign for maximum accessibility and viewer engagement

GVRA Homepage Before

Click the image for a closer look at the full webpage

  • The introduction image was outdated and not fully representative of the agency.

  • The page was too long which means that viewers most likely did not scroll to the content at the bottom of the page.

  • The tabs section links’ images were poor quality and the incorrect sizes causing the images to be cut off.

  • The announcement blocks had too much blank space.

  • The color scheme of the website did not match the agency’s brand colors.

GVRA Homepage After

Click the image for a closer look at the full webpage

  • The header updated with an image representative of the target audience, an updated mission statement, and a new hero design.

  • Website color scheme changed to better match the agency’s brand colors and increase the contrast ratio for accessibility.

  • Arrangement of a two-thirds to maximize space and allow space for any announcements.

  • The “Quick Links” section and the tabs section orders was rearranged based on the data received on the most clicked links.

  • The language in the call out boxes was revised to increase clarity in the message and introduce call-to-action verbiage.

  • The tab section’s images was updated with high quality images that represent each section or program.

  • A pattern of the white to dark blue background to add separation between each section and color variation.

  • Developed a “success stories” page and listing to allow potential clients or viewers to see testimonials from the agency’s clients.


GVRA Rack Card